I love the high ceiling and the sunlight flooding into the top floor of our home. Many people say that they would put up blinds or curtains, but the airy feeling is part of why it is my favorite room. A beautiful rug from my mother-in-law's trip to Mexico stretches across one wall; a cuckoo clock that was a wedding gift hangs on another. The room is open and from my chair I can see straight into the kitchen to watch my son as he is preparing dinner. This isn't a typical activity for him. He's practicing for this fall when he goes away to college. I love watching him work. He's whistling while he chops onions and is chatting all the while. He has such excitement as he looks forward to stepping out on his own. His conversation is littered with comments about what he will eat at college, what he needs to buy, career choices and his future. Seeing him become a young man is really amazing, but our home will not be the same without his music, his laugh, his singing or even his laundry on the bathroom floor. Life is going to change drastically, and I just don't know if I'm ready yet.

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